v01d -- h3 / th3y / 1t -- 20


<3 v01dc0r3 / w31rdc0r3 <3

!1nt3r3sts! !ab0ut! !dn1/byf!


c4nc3r -- 1sfp-t -- l4wful n3utr4l

h3ll0! 1'm v01d.
1'm 4 m3mb3r 0f 4 d1d syst3m, th3 ch40s-c0ll3ct1v3 syst3m.
1 d0n't r34lly kn0w h0w t0 d3scr1b3 wh4t th3 fuck 1 am, but 1 gu3ss 1 c0uld d3scr1b3 mys3lf 4s 4 v01d hum4n01d. s0m3th1ng 4k1n t0 th3 dr4w1ng, just 4 t4d b1t m0r3 l1k3 1n th3 syst3m c4rrd.


1t4l1cs 4r3 hyp3rf1x4t10ns 0r stuff 1 l1k3 m0r3

v1d30 g4m3s

minecraft, deltarune, the arcana, cats&soup {m0b1l3 g4m3}, animal crossing, stardew vallew


adventure time, over the garden wall
deathnote, attack on titan
scream {1996}, the texas chainsaw massacre, halloween


song of achilles, if we were villains, the secret history

mus1c 4rt1sts

green day, penelope scott, the front bottoms, wilbur soot


pl4c3s y0u c4n f0ll0w us 0r 1nt3r4ct w1th us

1nst4 ::

dn1 / byf!!

r4th3r s3lf 3xpl4n3t0ry


- 1f y0u f1t basic dni criteria
- y0u h4v3 b33f w1th 4ny 0f 0ur h34dm4t3s/f1ct1v3s
- y0u're tr4nsm3ds, truscum, t3rf
- y0u're 4 fuj0sh1s
- 4nt1 s3lf dx
- y0u 3r4se th3 c4non s3xu4l1ty 4nd g3nd3r 0f ch4r4ct3rs
- y0u 4r2 -15 / +26


- 1 d0 r3cl41m th3 f slur 4nd th3 t slur
- 1 sw34r 4 l0t
- plz d0 us3 t0n3 t4gs w/ m3 1f w3 4r3n't cl0s3
- 1 cl34rly h4v3 4 typ1ng qu1rk, 1f y0u n33d m3 t0 st0p typ1ng w1th 1t 1 w1ll